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[Having trouble matching colors in winter? Winter is more than black, white and gray, so with more brilliant!]
Release date:[2023/11/17] Read a total of[85]time

Winter is coming and the wind is blowing. People often associate the color of winter with ink painting, as if the color of winter is only black and white, walking on the road will find more people wearing dark clothes, but in fact, the color of winter is rich and colorful.

Color matching technique

Everyone is used to wearing more than dark clothing in winter, if the color is not good, it will appear that the whole person is very dull, no spirit, and the right color matching will add luster, so that you look more attractive and charming. Therefore, in the winter wear, the combination of colors will be particularly important.

Approximate color matching: Choose adjacent or similar colors to match. This color match is very coordinated because it contains a common color in the three primary colors. Because the color is close, it is also relatively stable, if it is a single color of the shade is called the same color matching. Color matching: purple with green, purple with orange, green with orange.

Color embellishment: mainly used in the case of too unified color matching, the application of a small amount of contrasting colors to make the whole vivid wave up, like a finishing touch. The embellishment color should be less, so as not to destroy the overall color matching style, nor will it dominate, otherwise it will become gilding the lily.

Progressive color matching: Arrange colors according to the degree of one of the three elements of hue, brightness and brightness. The feature is that even if the tone is calm, it is also very eye-catching, especially the progressive color matching of hue and brightness. The rainbow is both tonal color matching and progressive color matching.

Winter color matching

The right color combination will add luster, so that you look more attractive and full of charm. Xiao Bian gives you some collocation ideas, I believe it will bring you a new inspiration.

01 Grey + Pink

Gray with pink, a group of colorless collocation has color, basic, classic, senior, gray fashionable simple, low-key implicit, a little retro sense of senior, gray and pink together, senior and gentle. Gray can very well neutralize the sweet feeling of pink, very advanced and refreshing, visually very comfortable, aging and fashionable.

02 Black + Camel

Black with camel, is a particularly high frequency in winter a group of colors; Classic black noble mystery is a relatively safe color, chic and inclusive, and a variety of colors together are very good-looking, camel is very advanced, full of fashionable retro sense, camel and black single wear combination are very advanced full atmosphere.

03 m white + white

Beige and white themselves are two very similar colors, so no matter what kind of collocation, it looks very coordinated, and the atmosphere of the collocation is also an elegant charm, and such a color collocation does not pick people, simple and exquisite.

04 Earth Color + Vintage Blue

Earth color is the autumn and winter seasons are applicable to the "advanced color", itself is also very easy to match, it can be said that everything, but there is a color match, especially taste, that is retro blue. Retro blue is often seen in tannins, with a retro and nostalgic charm, with the earth color caramel color, brown, feel particularly in place, will express a lot of sense of time things, advanced and friendly.

Some common problems of winter color matching

Color is the more difficult to overcome in the art of wearing, and the advanced mystery of wearing is hidden in these seemingly gorgeous colors. If it is said that the texture and style of clothes can be measured by money, then the estimation of whether the color is good or not lies in your ability to control the color and the artistic perception of color.

01 The basic principles of winter color matching

The basic principle of winter color matching is to choose warm, soft colors to highlight the warmth and comfort of winter. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the collocation and layering of colors to make the whole shape more perfect.

02 How to choose the right winter color

Choosing the right color scheme for winter needs to take into account factors such as personal preference, occasion and season. For example, in the cold winter, you can choose some warm, soft color combination; When celebrating the festival, you can choose some bright and bright colors.

03 How to choose the embellishment color of winter color

Winter color matching is based on cool or warm colors, and all colors can be used as embellishment colors. This color scheme presents a clean and tidy image through sharp contrast, and sometimes also presents a bright and ornate atmosphere. Metallic colors such as gold and silver can be chosen to highlight the brightness of other colors and the luxury of the whole look. At the same time, you can also choose some bright gem colors, such as red, blue and purple, to add a noble and elegant.

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